FlashInfo Discover
Chrome Extension
- Updated People Profile Data Page.
If you see "Oops! Profile not found" please refresh the screen once again, and you will get data in the Chrome Extension.
Unlock Time Filter
- Unlocked Time syncs based on existing unlock time.
- Users can apply a past unlock time-based filter for People Search for better segmentation.
List Management
- Added Activity Date Filter
- Users can filter people based on their outreach activities.
- Outreach activities are FlashInfo Engage Activities based on Email Sequence, Call Sequence, Dialer.
- Added Outreach Activity For People
- Users can see when the particular prospect received the recent outreach activity in FlashInfo.
- If a particular prospect has never been a part of any outreach activities, then it will show as NA.

HubSpot CRM Integration
- Added HubSpot List Contact Import
- Users can import List-based contacts into FlashInfo CRM Enrichment.
- Based on the import, users can Add To Sequence / Add To Dialer with no additional credits.
- Credits will only be charged if the user is doing CRM Enrichment based on Imported Contacts. Read More
Android APP
- Added Linkedin Scan QR code
- Users can scan LinkedIn QR codes of people and add them to lists.
- Users can scan LinkedIn QR codes of people and add them to Sequences.
- Users can scan LinkedIn QR codes of people and add them to the Dialer.
FlashInfo Engage
Increase LinkedIn tasks in Sequence
- Currently, it only supports sending connection requests. Sending messages, liking, or commenting on posts will be supported one by one.
- When creating a LinkedIn task, you must first connect your LinkedIn account.
- Prompt for creating a task when there is no account available.
- Prompt for creating tasks when the account is unavailable.
- Increase LinkedIn account management.
- The current version is in alpha, and users need to manually obtain cookies for connections. Subsequent versions will support logging in with account passwords and plugins obtaining cookies.
- An empty page will appear without a LinkedIn account.

- Account added successfully and tested as available.

- Account information and safety settings information.
- The current default daily connection limit is 5, with an interval of 80-120 seconds between each connection.

- Increase LinkedIn conversation page.
- The LinkedIn conversation page will record connections and message history with each contact.

- Integrate emails, SMS, and LinkedIn into conversations.
- When hovering over Emails or SMS, support quick selection of the corresponding menu.

- Support setting the default page when entering the conversation tab.

- Increase the permission control of LinkedIn tasks.

- Support matching LinkedIn URLs when importing contacts from CSV.