FlashInfo Discover
- [FlashInfo Web] Add "Retrieve More Results" for all people.
- [FlashInfo APP] Redefine the setting page for the Android App and IOS App.
- [www.flashintel.ai] The Flashintel GPT now offers support for usage on a Pad.
Additionally, upon first accessing FlashIntel GPT, a sample question and answer are pre-provided to serve as an example of how to use it.
- [www.flashintel.ai] In the mobile web interface, we've added a tab to switch between 'AI Research' and 'Profile Info,' with 'AI Research' being the default view upon initial access. Likewise, FlashIntel GPT initially presents a sample question and answer to guide users in how to use it.
- [www.flashintel.ai] Improvement in the rendering performance of the 'people profile' and 'company profile' pages has been achieved, leading to a decrease in response times.
FlashInfo Engage
1. Fixed the issue where contacts were not being displayed in Sequence when previewing emails.

2. Revise the real-time verification strategy to enable the default sending of catch-all domains.

3. Fix the issue of personalized emails occasionally containing variables.

4. The Parallel Dialer support auto selects the nearest node for the callee line to optimize call latency.
5. Provide Contact Replacement API for Discover.
6. When an RST exception occurs while calling AI to generate personalized emails, optimize the retry mechanism by using the exponential backoff algorithm.