FlashInfo Discover
Discover Data Improvement
ZipCode Process Optimized in Company As well as People Search

Discover Improvement
Optimize the search input field for People search, Company search, and Local search.

AI Agent V1.1
We have updated the style of the audio player in the details of call records - AI Agent V1.1
We have improved and optimized the interface and reduced latency for Call Properties, including Call Dialing Time, Call Pick Up Time, Call End Time, and more.
FlashInfo CRM Integration
Mapped FlashInfo user activity in the activity log as bi-directional within the HubSpot and FlashInfo CRM integration
We have established a bi-directional mapping of FlashInfo users in the activity log with the Salesforce and FlashInfo CRM integration. Users can now click on a user's name in Salesforce to categorize the activity log.
We've implemented a bi-directional mapping of FlashInfo users in the activity log for the Outreach and FlashInfo CRM integration.
User Mapping For Log Added For:
Sequence Activity Log
Email Activity Log
Call Activitiy Log
Map the FlashInfo User with CRM User In Contact Owner

Outreach Log [Text based]

HubSpot [Text Based]

Salesforce [Link Based]

FlashInfo APP
We have enhanced our card detection process and implemented automatic rotation to ensure that business card data is saved more effectively for improved usability.
FlashInfo Engage
Dialer - Support displays your personal number as the Caller ID
If FlashInfo does not list the number you prefer, you have the option to customize your own number as the Caller ID. Once you have successfully linked the number, you can choose it as your calling number in the dialer.
Contact Support for Assistance with Moving Steps in the Sequence
If a contact encounters issues at any step or skips some steps, you can manually move it to the specified step and execute the process again.
Support for Changing Outgoing Mailboxes for Contacts
If the previously specified mailbox is no longer available, you can directly assign a new mailbox. Alternatively, if a sequence is paused due to an 'unavailable mailbox,' you can switch to another mailbox and resume contact.
Develop an SDK for a Browser Extension
This SDK is designed to focus solely on providing services and does not include any business rules.