【FlashInfo PC】
Support searching with Japanese Hiragana and Katakana in people search.
Topic Intent enables lookalike search capability.
Optimize the UI of "retrieve more button"
JP AI Research v1.0
For the people syncing from Hubspot to FlashInfo, add the HubSpot icon
【Chrome Extension】
fix the issue of not able to import from Hubspot List to FlashInfo
Add the tips for the hubspot user
1. Adding phone category filtering to History and Insight.
Adding Phone Number Type and Verification Status filters to the filtering options, applicable only to outbound calls.
Insights -> Phone Number Type
Insights -> Verification Status
History List
2. Meetings support multiple reminder settings.
Enhance the meeting creation process to include multiple reminders and the option to select reminder email recipients, currently limited to the 'No-reply' sender channel.
Timing blocks
Reply-to address.
Email Notifications
3. Booking Questions support a Customized Question Field.
Support for invitees to specify issues they hope the meeting can resolve or goals they aim to achieve.
Set Customized Question
Email reminders now support the variable in the email content.
Meeting Booking Page
Invitee Email Reminders
Inviter Emails
Calendar Email Reminders
4. Meetings support the ability to 'Cancel'.
For scheduled meetings, support cancellation by both the meeting organizer and invitees.
The meeting participants cancel the meeting.
Canceled List
The invitee cancels the meeting through the booking page.
5. Meeting Assign Users now supports selecting a Team.
When invitees book meetings, support for participants at the Team level will utilize the available times of all members within the Team.
Select Users or Teams
6. Microsoft Calendar integration has been added.
When using Calendar, support for Microsoft Calendar is now available. When using Microsoft Calendar, Google Meeting is allowed.
Linking Microsoft Calendar
Microsoft Calendar has been successfully linked.
7. The meeting booking page supports multiple languages.
Support for multi-language capability on the invitee booking page, including English, Japanese, German, Italian, and Simplified Chinese.
Set Booking Page Language
Booking Page