Using Variables and Spintax in FlashInfo Engage Sequencer to Minimize Bounce Rate

Email bounce rate is a significant factor affecting email deliverability and the success of your sales and marketing campaigns.

FlashInfo Engage Sequencer offers powerful features such as variables and spintax to help you create more personalized and engaging email content, ultimately reducing bounce rates and improving campaign effectiveness.

Section 1: Understanding Variables and Spintax

Variables: Variables allow you to personalize your email content by inserting dynamic information about your recipients, such as their name, job title, or company. By including personalized information in your emails, you can increase engagement, foster a stronger connection with your audience, and reduce the likelihood of bounces due to generic or irrelevant content.

Spintax: Spintax, or "spinning syntax," is a method used to create multiple variations of a piece of text. By incorporating spintax into your email content, you can generate multiple versions of your message, ensuring that each recipient receives a unique email. This can help prevent your emails from being flagged as spam and ultimately reduce bounce rates.

Section 2: Implementing Variables in FlashInfo Engage Sequencer

  1. Identify the variable fields you want to include in your email content, such as first name, last name, company name, etc.
  2. In the email editor, click on the "Variables" button and select the appropriate variable from the list.
  3. Insert the variable into your email content using the provided syntax (e.g., {first_name}).
  4. Preview your email to ensure the variables are replaced with the correct information for each recipient.

Section 3: Implementing Spintax in FlashInfo Engage Sequencer

  1. Identify the parts of your email content where you want to include variations.
  2. Use the spintax format to create multiple versions of the text. The format involves enclosing your text variations within curly brackets and separating them with a vertical bar (e.g., {Hello|Hi|Greetings}).
  3. Insert the spintax formatted text into your email content.
  4. Preview your email to ensure the spintax generates unique content variations for each recipient.

Section 4: Best Practices for Using Variables and Spintax

  1. Use personalization sparingly and thoughtfully to maintain a natural and genuine tone in your emails.
  2. Test your email content thoroughly to ensure the correct use of variables and spintax.
  3. Combine variables and spintax strategically to create highly engaging and personalized emails that resonate with your target audience.


Using variables and spintax in your email content within FlashInfo Engage Sequencer can significantly help minimize bounce rates and enhance the effectiveness of your sales and marketing campaigns. By incorporating these features, you can create highly personalized and unique email content that increases engagement, fosters stronger connections with your audience, and ultimately drives better results for your business.