Maximize Delivery Rate with AI Matching Email Providers in FlashInfo Engage Sequencer

Email delivery rate is a crucial factor determining the success of your sales and marketing campaigns.

FlashInfo Engage Sequencer offers advanced features such as AI Matching Email Providers to help you maximize delivery rates and improve campaign performance. 

Section 1: Understanding AI Matching Email Providers

AI Matching Email Providers is an advanced feature that uses artificial intelligence to analyze your email content and recipient data, automatically selecting the best-suited Email Service Provider (ESP) for each individual email. This innovative technology helps ensure high delivery rates by adapting to the unique characteristics of each recipient and email.

Section 2: Implementing AI Matching Email Providers in FlashInfo Engage Sequencer

  1. In FlashInfo Engage Sequencer, navigate to the "Settings" section.
  2. Select the "AI Matching Email Providers" option.
  3. Turn on "Automatically match email provider". The AI Matching feature will analyze your email content and recipient data, automatically selecting the most compatible ESP for each email.
  4. Save your changes and proceed with your email campaign, ensuring your emails are sent through the best-suited ESP for optimal delivery rates.

Section 3: Best Practices for Using AI Matching Email Providers

  1. Test your email content and monitor delivery rates to evaluate the effectiveness of the AI Matching Email Providers feature and make adjustments as needed.
  2. Utilize other FlashInfo Engage Sequencer features, such as variables and spintax, to create highly engaging and personalized email content, further enhancing delivery rates.


Using AI Matching Email Providers in FlashInfo Engage Sequencer can significantly help maximize delivery rates and enhance the effectiveness of your sales and marketing campaigns. By incorporating this innovative technology, you can optimize your email delivery by automatically selecting the most compatible ESP for each individual email, ensuring high delivery rates and driving better results for your business.