Job Title - People Prospect

Refine your people prospect search and target specific individuals by using the Job Title filter in FlashInfo's People Search feature.

FlashInfo provides a Job Title filter that can help you create hyper-targeted people segments from our database of over 460 million people. You can use this filter to target people based on their job title by following these steps:

  1. Log in to your FlashInfo account.
  2. Go to the FlashInfo Prospect page or click on "People Search" in the upper left corner of your screen to start people prospecting.
  3. Use the Job Title Filter, enter a keyword, and select the title by simply clicking it from the suggested job title. You can choose as many job titles as you want.
  4. After making your selection, your people prospect data will be filtered and will show the records of people's profiles that are linked with the selected job titles.

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