Advanced Querying in FlashInfo: Match Types and Boolean Operations

FlashInfo's Search and Filters allows users to find people and companies quickly and efficiently. To further refine search results, advanced querying techniques can be employed using different match types and boolean operations.

This knowledge base article will explain the match types and boolean operations available in FlashInfo's Search and Filters for advanced querying.

Match Types

  1. Phrase Match: When a user types a keyword, such as ABC, FlashInfo uses the Phrase Match method to find results containing the keyword. Phrase Match looks for the exact phrase within the content, but it may also include additional words or variations. For example, searching for ABC may return results like "ABC Corporation," "ABC Solutions," or "The ABC Group."

  2. Exact Match: To search for an exact match of a keyword, users can enclose the keyword in double quotes, such as "ABC." Exact Match will only return results containing the exact phrase without any additional words or variations. For example, searching for "ABC" will only return results like "ABC Corporation" and not "The ABC Group" or "ABC Solutions."

Boolean Operations

  1. AND: The AND operator is used to narrow down search results by combining multiple conditions. In FlashInfo, the AND operator is expressed as "People have multiple tags." For example, if a user wants to find prospects with both a "Marketing" and "Manager" tag, they can use the AND operator to retrieve results that meet both criteria.

  2. OR: The OR operator is used to broaden search results by including any of the specified conditions. In FlashInfo, the OR operator is expressed as "Is any of." For example, if a user wants to find prospects with either a "Marketing" or "Sales" tag, they can use the OR operator to retrieve results that meet either of the criteria.

  3. NOT: The NOT operator is used to exclude specific conditions from search results. In FlashInfo, the NOT operator is expressed as "Is none of." For example, if a user wants to find prospects without a "Marketing" tag, they can use the NOT operator to retrieve results that do not have the specified tag.

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Using Match Types and Boolean Operations Together

Users can combine match types and boolean operations to create complex queries for more accurate search results. For example, a user could search for companies with the exact match phrase "Sales" or "Customer Success" tags (using the OR operator) and do not have a "Startup" tag (using the NOT operator).


Understanding and utilizing match types and boolean operations in FlashInfo's Search and Filters can greatly enhance search accuracy and help users find prospects and companies more effectively. By combining these advanced querying techniques, sales and revenue teams can create highly targeted searches that meet their specific criteria, improving the overall efficiency of their prospecting efforts.